Digimon Season 1-5

Takeru "T.K." Takaishi

T.K. was the youngest DigiDestined when the first original seven were transported into the Digital World. However, he was fairly independent on his own, rebuffing his older brother Matt's attempts to comfort and coddle him. He was the first of the children to suffer the loss of his Digimon when Patamon digivolved into Angemon and sacrificing himself in order to destroy Devimon. Though Patamon's data reformed into a DigiEgg, the event traumatized T.K. severely to the point where three years later he still possessed an utter hatred of "the powers of darkness," along with nightmares about losing Angemon again in combat.

T.K. played a critical role in the fight with 
Puppetmon, when he was kidnapped to be Puppetmon's playmate. Relying on his own power, T.K. managed to escape after taking advantage of Puppetmon's lack of friends. During the fight with Piedmon, after their friends were all turned into key chains, T.K. and Kari attempt to outrun him as Angemon tries to hold off the evil Digimon before being easily defeated. When Piedmon cuts a rope holding up T.K. and Kari, T.K. recalls something Matt had said to him earlier, giving him the hope he needed to finally evoke his crest and to allow Angemon to digivolve into MagnaAngemon in order to save them and restore the others. During the battle that followed, Piedmon proved no match for MagnaAngemon despite MagnaAngemon being only an Ultimate and MagnaAngemon destroyed him.

T.K.'s Digivice & Crest of Hope


Patamon's Digivolution

Poyomon - Fresh Level

Poyomon is Patamon's Fresh form. After Angemon sacrificed himself to defeat Devimon, Patamon's data was reconfigured into a Digi-Egg. As the DigiDestined departed for the Continent of Server, the Digi-Egg hatched into Patamon's Fresh form Poyomon.
Bubble Blow: An attack that fires bubbles from the mouth.

Tokomon - Training Level

Tokomon is the In-Training form of Patamon. T.K. first meets Tokomon immediately upon his arrival into the Digital World, and the two formed a strong bond very quickly. Tokomon later digivolves into Patamon when the DigiDestined children were in danger from Kuwagamon. When Patamon is reconfigured after the battle with Devimon, he hatches as Poyomon and digivolves to this form again in the Koromon Village. While he normally appears to be harmless and cute, it is notable that when in danger Tokomon will open his mouth, which reveals layers of huge shark-like fangs, first displayed when attacking Kuwagamon during the first episode of Digimon Adventures.
Bubble Blow: An attack that involves firing bubbles from the mouth.

Patamon - Rookie Level

Patamon is a small cute orange flying guinea pig like creature with light blue eyes and bat-like wings, which could possibly be his ears. This mammal digimon has also been considered to look like a mouse or pig with wings. Patamon is the playful Digimon partner of T.K.. In Digimon Adventure, Patamon was the last of the Digi-Destined Digimon to achieve his Champion form, and the last again to achieve his Ultimate form. However, both his Champion and Ultimate forms are immensely powerful for their respective level, and are responsible for defeating Devimon and the final Dark MasterPiedmon respectively.
Boom Bubble: Patamon's body inflates as he gulps in air, which he then shoots forward from his mouth.

Angemon - Champion Level

Angemon is the Champion form of Patamon. Angemon is a six-winged angel dressed in white and blue clothing. Like many other humanoid-like Digimon, such as AngewomonKazemon, and Silphymon; his eyes are covered by his helmet and are never seen, giving him the appearance of a blind prophet. Angemon appears for the first time during the final fight against Devimon. Devimon had already defeated the other six DigiDestined and their partner Digimon, and when he attempted to grab T.K., Patamon jumped in front of T.K. and finally Digivolved into his Champion form Angemon. In a final desperate attempt to defeat Devimon, Angemon sacrificed himself. Angemon was reborn as a Digi-Egg, eventually hatching to become Patamon again. The second appearance of Angemon occurred in the Real World during the battle between Myotismon and WereGarurumon, in which he forces the former to retreat in a seeming moment of victory when he joins the battle.

Angemon is a very powerful Champion Digimon - his primary attack, the 
Hand of Fate is very effective against inherently evil Virus-type Digimon of the Champion and Ultimate levels such as Devimon (although when Devimon was empowered with several black gears, a suicidal digivice-augmented Hand of Fate was required) and Myotismon. Even Myotismon (an Ultimate level Digimon) was unable to dissipate it, (he had been able to dissipate Ultimate-level attacks from the other Digidestined's Digimon) and Phantomon (another Ultimate Digimon) was completely destroyed by just a glancing blow. Furthermore, in the Digimon Adventure 02 movie, Diaboromon Strikes Back, he and Angewomon were successful in holding back Diaboromon, a Mega level, Omnimon impaled Diaboromon before he appeared in the Real World as Armageddemon. Angemon is unable to defeat Mega level digimon - namely the Dark Masters (although he was able to hold off Piedmon briefly), VenomMyotismon and BlackWarGreymon - nor Ultimate level Digimon who are not inherently evil or are "fake" digimon made from control spires by Arukenimon (curiously, despite the darkness inherent in the spires themselves), his attacks useless or nearly so against them. Although Angemon is only a Champion level Digimon, his power is equivalent to those of typical Ultimate level Digimon.

Hand of Fate: Angemon fires a beam of highly potent sacred energy from his fist, most powerful against purest evil.
Angel Rod: A strike using the staff he carries.
Angel Staff: Spins his staff to block incoming attacks.
Angel's Requiem: Spins his staff to create a whirlwind, repelling nearby enemies.

MagnaAngemon - Ultimate Level

MagnaAngemon is Patamon's Ultimate form. He carries the sword Excalibur, which allows him to open the Gate of Destiny. Although he is classified as an Ultimate, the extent of his power is equivalent to that of a Mega level digimon. He is able to fight effectively with inherently evil virus-type digimon such as Piedmon, and conceivably VenomMyotismon. MagnaAngemon first appears in the episode 'Piedmon's Last Jest' towards the end of Digimon AdventurePiedmon, the last of the Dark Masters, had been able to turn almost all the DigiDestined children and their Digimon into key chains (besides T.K & Kari; Mimi was away at the time, so she was safe also). Patamon digivolved to Angemon and joined the fight, but was easily defeated by Piedmon. After seeing T.K.'s willingness to never give up his crest of Hope finally began to glow, and Angemon finally digivolved into MagnaAngemon. Using the Magna Antidote ability, MagnaAngemon was able to restore all the DigiDestined and their Digimon. MagnaAngemon thenhelped WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon defeat Piedmon by using the powerful "Gate of Destiny" attack.

Gate of Destiny: MagnaAngemon creates a large portal that sucks in the data from enemy Digimon. MagnaAngemon can also unleash an aurora beam when standing behind it.
Magna Antidote: An all-purpose healing ability used to restore the Digidestined and their Digimon from their Keychained forms.
Excalibur: A strike, or block from MagnaAngemon's sword, powerful enough to repel a Mega-Level Digimon.
Magna Beam: A beam of light unleashed from behind MagnaAngemon's Gate of Destiny.