Digimon Season 1-5

Miki Kurosaki


Megumi Shirakawa

Miki and Megumi are the DATS' computer operators. They primarily aid the team from the control room. They are the two people that usually identify a Digimon when it appears in the real world or in some ocations also the Digital World. Under the command of SaberLeomonGotsumon led an army of Boarmon and Pteramon to invade the human world, Miki and Megumi helped in this battle. Their digimon protected MarcusThomas and Yoshi with their Sheild barriers just before a couple of missiles could hit them, after that, they digivolved into their Champion forms KnightChessmon to fight the Pteramon and Boarmon. They both seem to have a not so secret crush on fellow DATS member Thomas, and are really good friends of Yoshi. After their DATS branch was disbanded, Miki and Megumi's digimon Pawnchessmon fought two of the three Bio-Hybirds Nanami and Ivan, but didn't do any good, they were defeated. Due to this Miki and Megumi were left behind with Keenan's family while the rest of the team went to the Digital World.

When Marcus and the others went back to the Real World they faced 
Belphemon, Miki and Megumi helped in the battle and aided the team by digivolving their Pawnchessmon to their Ultimate forms RookChessmon and BishopChessmon. Their Digimon did quite well, even when Belphemon changed into its Rage Mode. But when Kurata started to drain the city's power Belphemon got much stronger and after a while their digimon got turned back into their basic Rookie forms. Not long after Belphemon's defeat, the PawnChessmon digivolves once again to their ultimate forms when Gallantmon appears in the Real world causing chaos. Miki's, Megumi's and the other human's partner Digimons didn't stand a chance with Gallantmon's power and they were defeated swift and
easily, Gallantmon was finally defeated when Kudamon digivolved into Sleipmon and brings Gallantmon down with his Odin's Breath attack. They also helped defeat King Drasil on the Final Battle. When King Drasil has gone the DATS decided that they are closing the gate permanently. Because of this the Digimon had to return to the Digital World to restore the peace and harmonythat was lost. Before the Pawnchessmon left, The four went to the Hot Springs and went to the Kareoke.

Miki & Megumi's Digivices


Miki & Megumi's Digisouls


PawnChessmon's Digivolution (Black) & (White)

PawnChessmon (Black) - Rookie Level

It looks like miniature Knights, except with a large helm and large Bottom. Its weapons are spears and carry a small shield that can create barriers. As shown in Digimon Data Squad episode 34, Its is able to lift its helmet up to reveal a pair of small yellow eyes and a mouth. It doesn't talk. The two PawnChessmon are the partners of two women that are members of the DATS organization, Miki and Megumi. They help in DATS' attempt to keep Digimon from damaging the peace of the real world, and can often be seen working at computer terminals. In episode 21, they digivolve to help protect the city from the army led by Gotsumon under SaberLeomon's command. In episode 36, they warp digivolved into RookChessmon and BishopChessmon in order to help fight off Belphemon and remained in this state for the remainder of the three episodes, however Belphemon managed to grab them with his chains de-digivolving them into their basic forms. Later, the PawnChessmon were present in the battle against Yggdrasil but did little fighting. They eventually returned to the Digital World with the other digimon and their current location is unknown, although it is assumed they either stayed with the other digimon or travelled to the Chessmon village.
Pawn Buckler
Pawn Spear: Attacks with the small spear.
Pawn Dash: Dashes with the shield held to bash enemy.
Twin Attack: 
They stike at the same time.
Pyramid Formation: Allows them to obtain the opponent's logistics via a special formation, of which they can perform against even those at the Ultimate level.

PawnChessmon (White) - Rookie Level

It looks like miniature Knights, except with a large helm and large Bottom. Its weapons are spears and carry a small shield that can create barriers. As shown in Digimon Data Squad episode 34, Its is able to lift its helmet up to reveal a pair of small yellow eyes and a mouth. It doesn't talk. The two PawnChessmon are the partners of two women that are members of the DATS organization, Miki and Megumi. They help in DATS' attempt to keep Digimon from damaging the peace of the real world, and can often be seen working at computer terminals. In episode 21, they digivolve to help protect the city from the army led by Gotsumon under SaberLeomon's command. In episode 36, they warp digivolved into RookChessmon and BishopChessmon in order to help fight off Belphemon and remained in this state for the remainder of the three episodes, however Belphemon managed to grab them with his chains de-digivolving them into their basic forms. Later, the PawnChessmon were present in the battle against Yggdrasil but did little fighting. They eventually returned to the Digital World with the other digimon and their current location is unknown, although it is assumed they either stayed with the other digimon or travelled to the Chessmon village.
Pawn Buckler
Pawn Spear: Attacks with the small spear.
Pawn Dash: Dashes with the shield held to bash enemy.
Twin Attack: They stike at the same time.
Pyramid Formation: Allows them to obtain the opponent's logistics via a special formation, of which they can perform against even those at the Ultimate level.

KnightChessmon (Black) - Champion Level

KnightChessmon are PawnChessmon's Champion forms. They first appeared in episode 21 to help protecting the city from the army of Boarmon and Pteramon led by Gotsumon under SaberLeomon's command. Miki and Megumi state the name of their new digivolution states, as the two do not speak while they digivolve. The same things happen whenever they use their attacks. The two girls command them in battle move for move they use. This is reminiscent how one directs their pieces in a chess game. It is also notable that Knightchessmon more closely resemble centaurs than they do horses.
Knight Lancer: Points the dart ahead and rushes.
Big Darts: Throws the dart at the enemy.
Gallop Hall: Jumps and tramples the opponent.

KnightChessmon (White) - Champion Level

KnightChessmon are PawnChessmon's Champion forms. They first appeared in episode 21 to help protecting the city from the army of Boarmon and Pteramon led by Gotsumon under SaberLeomon's command. Miki and Megumi state the name of their new digivolution states, as the two do not speak while they digivolve. The same things happen whenever they use their attacks. The two girls command them in battle move for move they use. This is reminiscent how one directs their pieces in a chess game. It is also notable that Knightchessmon more closely resemble centaurs than they do horses.
Knight Lancer: Points the dart ahead and rushes.
Big Darts: Throws the dart at the enemy.
Gallop Hall: Jumps and tramples the opponent.

RookChessmon - Ultimate Level (Black)

RookChessmon is the Ultimate form of PawnChessmon Black. He first appears to fight Belphemon, and pulls a rather good fight, but his defending attack Castle Wall is easily destroyed by Belphemon. Belphemon constricts RookChessmon with his chains reducing it back to a rookie level.
Rook Gatling: Rapid fire with gattling guns from its head, arms and chest.
Castle Wall: Creates a screen of energy to protect itself.
Strong Fold

BishopChessmon - Ultimate Level (White)

BishopChessmon is the Ultimate form of PawnChessmon White. Same as RookChessmon, BishopChessmon first appears to fight Belphemon. He manages to put up a good fight in the battle but is reduced back to a Pawnchessmon by Belphemon's chains.

Bishop Laser: Fires a blast from its staff.
Bishop Cross